Budapest Business School

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Scanning for sessons

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M365 Könyvtári VPN M365 regisztráció Hallgatói jelszóváltoztatás Neptun CooSpace Modulo

Dear Students!

Newly enrolled students - change their initial password to based on the information you enter during the admission process to a password of at least 8 characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers. To do this, you will need to provide their neptun code and the email address you entered during the enrollment process. You will find further steps in a letter sent to the email address you provided.

If you have forgotten your password or cannot access the system for any reason, you can change your password at When requesting a new password, they must provide their neptun code and any email address registered in neptun (addresses ending in @ cannot be used in this case). In this case, please pay close attention to your password requirements (password policy: your password must be at least 8 characters long and include at least one number, a capital letter and a lowercase letter)!

If the password change is unsuccessful, please contact the faculty front office staff who, after verifying their identity, will record their email address in the Neptun system so they can successfully request a new password.

Upon multiple attempts to log in, the user account will be locked and automatically unlocked after 30 minutes.

You can change your password on any system interface (Neptun / My Data / Preferences; Modulo / Login Password Change Button; Coospace / My Profile / Password Change; Institutional Computers / ctrl + alt + del / Change Password) will apply to all systems.